Customer Testimonials

Give your loved ones the freedom of independence to move or participate in various activities!

The Tinkertron EMG Switch was developed for those with impaired mobility.

The Tinkertron EMG switch is specially useful to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)patients, stroke victims, quadriplegics, those who suffer from various dystrophies, and anybody with limited muscle control who uses single- or dual-switch devices for scanning technology.

With the EMG Switch, a user can control his or her power wheelchair with ease and comfort, enjoy any modern software on a personal computer that can accept scanning software, and even control his or her environment from one’s chair or bed using the power of the EMG Switch paired with environmental control software.

Testimonials from our EMG Switch customers

The Tinkertron EMG Switches are being used by quite a few people. Over the last 9 months one had been provided to a client who was a GP with ALS. He had an eye-gaze system, an environmental control system and an EMG Switch which plugged into a call alarm system for his caregivers. On picking the equipment up from the family after he passed away his wife was gushing about one piece of tech: the EMG Switch. Interestingly they didn’t use any of the other stuff; it was unreliable or it was slow. The EMG Switch worked all the time and it was reliable – all the way until he had no more strength and died.

Will Wade

Will Wade

EMG Switch user, AAC consultant at the ACE center

I can truthfully say that this technology intervention has given me the most independence I have enjoyed for over 15 years.

EMG Switch user

EMG Switch user

With the EMG probe placed on my left pectoral muscle, I have full functionality from the twitch of my shoulder.

EMG Switch User

EMG Switch User

A couple of years ago, I had tried a unit that was available to borrow from a loan closet. I don't remember which brand it was but that one never worked at all. I'm glad that I decided to give it another try using the Tinkertron EMG switch. I think it is such an important device for people like me who have decided to go down this path of extending life using a ventilator but now have come up against another challenge with not being able to move enough to use a computer mouse. I hope that you have ways to reach out to those that need this device the most. If you ever need testimonials or anything that can help with promoting your product, please let me know. 

Juri Kameda

Juri Kameda

EMG Switch user

The EMG switch was the key for me to make single-switch scanning an effective option for controlling my power wheelchair.  Due to having an advanced form of spinal muscular atrophy, I have used and modified numerous driving mechanisms to accommodate the progression of the disease.  It wasn’t until July 2004 that I had no alternative but to consider single-switch scanning navigation, or what rehabilitation professionals call the “option of last resort.”  While by itself it may be worthy of this title, using the Tinkertron EMG Switch* with an EMG probe as the “single-switch” introduced significant benefits that has changed the “option of last resort” to an “option of great report!”

Darren Gabbert

Darren Gabbert

EMG Switch user, ALC patient and wheelchair user

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patient & power wheelchair user Darren Gabbert

Darren Gabbert, ALC patient and wheelchair user (left image):

“The EMG switch was the key for me to make single-switch scanning an effective option for controlling my power wheelchair.  Due to having an advanced form of spinal muscular atrophy, I have used and modified numerous driving mechanisms to accommodate the progression of the disease.  It wasn’t until July 2004 that I had no alternative but to consider single-switch scanning navigation, or what rehabilitation professionals call the “option of last resort.”  While by itself it may be worthy of this title, using the Tinkertron EMG Switch* with an EMG probe as the “single-switch” introduced significant benefits that has changed the “option of last resort” to an “option of great report!”

I have been using a Permobil power wheelchair, PG Technologies’ Omni+ single-switch scanning interface, and Tinkertron’s EMG switch for since 2005.  With the EMG probe placed on my left pectoral muscle, I have full functionality from the twitch of my shoulder.  After a slight learning curve with regard to avoiding inadvertent triggers from muscle movement, using the switch quickly became second nature.  The response rate of the EMG switch allows me to press, hold, and release at the necessary split-second intervals to effectively navigate the wheelchair.  No fatigue.  Very impressive!  And being freed from the necessity of having my arm or head precisely positioned to operate a more traditional driving mechanism, I can independently use the full range of seating functions without losing my ability to return to a driving position.

With the EMG probe, a vast scope of possibilities exists for finding an efficient, minimal-fatiguing way for anyone to engage the system.  Furthermore, once an effective placement site has been determined for the EMG probe, all seating and positioning considerations can focus on stability and comfort.  This is in stark contrast to solutions where comfort must take a back seat to finding and maintaining a range of movement necessary to operate the control mechanism.

While single-switch scanning is clearly not as fluid and “natural” as proportional control, I think I would have given up the proportional control earlier than I did had I known the overall benefits to be gained.  With the EMG driven single-switch scanning system, I have experienced increased independence and functionality while having lost physical ability. 

  • Am I able to confidently navigate indoors and outdoors without anyone else present?  YES!

  • Am I able to change position using the full range of backrest, tilt in space, footrests and seat elevator functions? YES!

  • Am I able to travel long distances without fatigue?  YES!

When I measure according to these terms, I can truthfully say that this technology intervention has given me the most independence I have enjoyed for over 15 years.It is all too common for people with progressive neuromuscular diseases to have a net loss of independence and functionality while trying to maintain and modify proportional technology that they have became accustomed to.  For those who are hobbling along trying to make proportional driving mechanisms work beyond your ability to use them, take a second look at the “option of last resort.”  With the right Omni+ parameter settings, single-switch scanning can be very effective using different profiles for different environments and functions (e.g. indoor proximity navigation, outdoor distance navigation, tedious precision navigation).  Combine this with the benefits of using the EMG switch, and the scales of overall independence begin to tip.
The first use of my chair outside of my home environment came on September 25 at my daughter’s wedding.  With the Permobil seat elevator raised, I enjoyed conversation at eye level and easily mingled within a crowded room without being a risk to myself or others.  I have also independently (at my wife’s consternation) drove all over our acreage.  Having my wife leave the front door cracked, I have mastered opening, entering, and closing (yes, closing) the front door.  Pretty fluid-like behavior from a single-switch system.   I certainly don’t think anyone has gotten this much mileage out of their left pectoral.”An important key issue making this really work is the ability the EMG switch gave me to use another (slightly more functioning) muscle to engage a “cutoff” switch.  The cutoff switch is definitely necessary to make single-switch navigation safe and practical.”
I had the sensors placed on digitorum muscles and the ground placed just above the knee, and it worked so well. It was very responsive. I was able to play Candy Crush game with such ease and accuracy, and I was having such a great time.

Order your EMG Switch today and “Live up to your full potential!”